Horti-Consult International is constant at our company. Horti-Consult's advisors have built up years’ worth of expertise, and their advice has broadened our view of our sector and of the cultivation of our crops. Additionally, Horti-Consult gives us more insight into the developments in the sector, down to the varieties in use and in the field of new techniques.


Haisheng Group - China
In 2017, Horti-Consult International became our advisor when we built our semi-closed greenhouse in China. Since then, we have expanded our greenhouses and have become the largest greenhouse-based grower in China. Horti-Consult International's advice and support were extremely valuable in this regard.
Gilbert Heijens of Horti-Consult International has given us a lot of useable advice, and his experience has helped us solve problems as well as patiently check all settings and plants during our weekly meetings. We have learned a lot from him. To us, he is both a highly professional mentor and a good friend.

Vereijken Kwekerijen
Vereijken Kwekerijen has been a client of Horti-Consult International since our very beginnings. At six locations representing a combined surface of 50 hectares, we grow tomatoes both with and without lighting. At three locations, Horti-Consult provides supervision concerning crops to our people working on cultivation. These advisors have plenty of experience and knowledge concerning the cultivation of tomatoes. They are our sounding board with which we discuss how we can best cultivate and achieve the best results. They also keep us informed of the latest developments concerning tomatoes and horticulture both in the Netherlands and abroad.

Biohof Kirchweidach
At our company in Kirchweidach, Germany, we grow organic tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers. Ton van Kessel is our cultivation information official who is knowledgeable on multiple crops and methods of organic cultivation, which makes it easy to change tack and thereby saves us a lot of time. He taught us to steer our cultivation based on data, instead of on instinct. This resulted in us gaining an optimal cultivation strategy for our organic crops.

Scea des Cleons
We are satisfied with the partnership we have with Horti-Consult International for a number of years, the aim of which was to improve our productivity. Horti-Consult, thanks to its advice and availability, offers us the appropriate training to improve our technical skills. And allows us to compare our cultivation practices with those carried out elsewhere. They and provides us relevant answers, theme by theme, whether it be for greenhouse equipment or for crop work.